How to Hire the Best Rekey Locksmith Service
in Roseville, MI

Modified October 5, 2022
Why Rekey Your Door Locks?
Rekeying locks is needed when a business, home, or property owner has a significant concern that someone, either known or unknown, may have the key(s) to his or her locks or property. Whether keys were lost, don't work anymore, or you have too many different keys, these are all reasons why you should rekey the locks on your doors.
To ensure that an unauthorized individual does not continue to access your property, our rekey locksmiths can change the lock pins so that only new keys will work in your locks. Our lock services will cover all rekeying issues and tasks.
What is a Master Key System or Same Key System?
To ensure your building has the level of security you desire, you need a good key system. Below are the names of keys in a typical master key system, from least access to most access.
Change Key: A change key is sometimes called a "sub-master key." It is intended for use with only one lock or door in your building.
Master Key (MK): A master key opens several different locks or doors. In some key systems, this will be the highest-ranking key.
Grand Master Key (GMK): A grand master key grants access to multiple master key systems.
Great Grand Master Key: A great grand master key will open all the grand master key systems and master key systems under it, as well as the doors with a change key.
When it comes to rekeying, there are multiple "levels" of security. However, contrary to popular belief, more complexity doesn't mean more security.
When planning your master key system, don't overlook your building's core maintenance areas like mechanical rooms, server rooms, stairwells, and enclosed HVAC areas. These spaces can share one key, but they should not have the same key as entrances or offices. This will prevent the need to issue master keys to maintenance personnel.
To learn about these services visit Rekeying, Master Key System, and Key Duplication Services.
What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Locksmith to Rekey Locks
Looking for a local locksmith for rekeying services in Roseville, MI? There are a lot of reasons to hire locksmith, and rekeying is a common service. Why Rekeying a lock refers to the replacement of old lock pins with new lock pins.
Locksmiths at Great Lakes Security Hardware often rekey door locks to make a set of locks that share a common key, eliminate compromised keys, or build master-key systems. We offer reliable and comprehensive Rekey Locksmith Service in Roseville.
Choose the Right Rekey Locksmith for Your Home Security
Your home security begins at your front entrance with your deadbolt and lock. We recommend the use of only high-quality door locks from a trusted dealer, company, or brand anytime you're looking to replace old locks, install new locks, or need to re-key your locks.
Of course, a reputable dealer such as Great Lakes Security Hardware sells quality locks that hardly fail, but there will be times when you need a professional locksmith, in Roseville, to deal with the problems in your doors' locks.
You may lose your home keys or move to a new home. In such situations, it's important to hire a professional and reliable locksmith to rekey your locks. You can avoid unwanted incidents like break-ins or theft if you choose a trustworthy, legitimate, and certified rekey locksmith.
A locksmith will have access to your residence, leaving you and your loved ones vulnerable if the job isn't done right. If you choose an unregistered and unreliable locksmith, you've got no chance of reaching the company whenever something goes wrong.
Therefore, choose a rekey locksmith service that is certified and authorized by your local authorities. Before you begin looking for the right rekey locksmith service, ensure you know exactly what you need.
Look For the Best Locksmith Service
Look for the most trusted Rekey Locksmith Service in your area. There are many local directories online where you can find the best locksmiths. It will help you narrow down the choices to a few locksmiths. Ensure to check if the rekey locksmith is certified.
When looking for locksmith services, there's a lot to consider. Questions you should be asking yourself when hiring a locksmith include:
Am I changing locks?
Do I need my locks rekeyed?
Do I want to use the same brand of locks?
Do I want to use the same key for all doors or different keys?
What are the different brands of locks? What brands does the locksmith offer?
Do I need electronic locks or high-security locks?
What is your budget for your home or business locks?
Answering these questions will help you determine if the locksmith is the right fit for your needs and will help you make an informed decision.
Check for Additional Rekey Service Costs
Once you create a list of top locksmiths in Roseville, contact them to know about their service charges. Hiring a certified locksmith can be an excellent choice to avoid unnecessary costs in case of a lock break.
These locksmiths are insured, and the insurance company will pay the charges if your door lock goes non-functional during the rekey process.
Be sure to ask if there are special discounts for the rekey services of home door locks. Also, ask the following questions before you make the final decision:
What are the labor charges?
Are these charges subject to change during public holidays, weekends, or midnight?
Do they charge a call-out fee?
Make sure to ask for confirmation through email or text.
New Key and Rekey Locksmith Service Roseville
Are you looking for a reliable, professional, and affordable rekey locksmith service in Roseville? Call Great Lakes Security Hardware at 888-855-6257 or fill out our online contact form.